Sunday, June 14, 2009

VBS 2009 Days 5 & 6

Hi all- well, we've wrapped a tremendously successful Vacation Bible School. This video includes a short bit from Thursday's final evening of regular VBS as well as the Friday evening celebration!!!

We had invited a couple of young friends to join my girls at VBS. Apparently, the kids were practically begging each evening to return to Abiding Love and were rather upset the one evening that they had to miss out. While we often are excited for our own children at ALLC to participate in VBS, it is important to remember that it also serves as an outreach program. Judging by the smiles on faces we have worked to help accomplish that mission!

The volunteerism and outpouring of love, kindness, generosity and (of course) patience exhibited by our church members showed everyone what ALLC is all about. Thanks to everyone who made it possible (too many to name), but I'd like to point out the Herculean efforts of a few individuals: Tom Hokanson, whose music always inspires; Kim Thonhoff for her terrific opening and closing scripts; and Holly Leoni whose directorial skills brought it all together. Thanks and enjoy!



  1. Marcy Cornell writes:
    ALLC Friendship Train VBS videos have given me much joy. They brought back many memories of my days (many,many years ago) when I had the joy of serving the Lord for our two-week VBS sessions. I felt I was very much a part of the 2009 VBS at ALLC and would like everyone who served in any way to know how much it meant to me.

  2. Super glad to hear that!!!! Thanks!
